Friday, December 27, 2019

Cc Between Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been and...

Where have you Been Smooth Talking? In the short story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? By Joyce Carol Oates, the lifestyle of protagonist Connie is described. Connie was a typical 15-year-old. She was outgoing, fun, and social. She had the worst relationship with her mother and her relationship with her father was not explained because he was not home much. Connie’s main concern was boys; she would do anything to meet up with them. That is not always a good idea because you never know the kind of people you will run into. Because she was not very careful an older guy, Arnold Friend, the antagonist, came into her life. This story transformed into a visual in the movie Smooth Talk by Joyce Chopra. The story and movie differed a†¦show more content†¦Connie was very rebellious and whenever her mom would get upset with her she would storm out of the house and go out with her friends as if to say her friends were a remedy against the annoyance of her mother. Since her dad was not very parental, Conn ie took that as a sign of not caring which also caused her to go out more. The biggest cause for Connie’s outgoingness and rebellion is her mother’s attitude towards her. In the movie and short story Connie’s mom was rude to her and constantly comparing her to June. Connie’s mother’s tone was filled with annoyance and aggravation whenever she talked to Connie. There was nothing positive that came out of her mom’s mouth. The first thing the mom said was â€Å"Stop gawking at yourself, who are you? You think you’re so pretty?† (Oates 693) Although both the movie and short story showed the harsh mother-daughter relationship Smooth Talk added a very small twist. The twist was that Connie and her mom got along and painted the house together and also hugged. The biggest family difference is that in Smooth Talk June and her dad were a part of Connie’s life. A small connection formed between Connie and June. Especially in the en d when the sisters danced together. Connie’s dad was in the house physically, but not mentally. He did not do a good job of being a father, which caused Connie to choose a path of exploration. To conclude, Connie’s family madeShow MoreRelatedReva2908 Words   |  12 PagesRoll no 27 TMIT –II SIMS THE REVA ELECTRIC CAR COMPANY Inception The Reva Electric Car Company, RECC, was incorporated in 1995 as a joint venture between the Bangalore based Maini Group and AEVT Inc of Irvindale, California, to manufacture environment-friendly, cost-effective electric vehicles for city mobility. Vision The RECC has been established with the vision of combining a tradition of excellence and leadership in environment friendly urban transportation, offering the best value andRead MoreEssay on Ducati8819 Words   |  36 Pagesdiffered by age, income, education and gender. 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JAY DEVORE earned his undergraduate degree in Engineering Science fromRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pages1997 Reprinted 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003 Third edition 2005 Copyrig ht  © 1992, 1997, 2005, Richard M.S. Wilson and Colin Gilligan. All rights reserved The right of Richard M.S. Wilson and Colin Gilligan to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Leadership Through The African American Lens Seeking...

Leadership through the African American Lens: Seeking Understanding Through Racial Perspective Do male, African American leaders manage employees differently than their Caucasian counterparts in the business industry? This question begs an answer because the study of leadership is limited since it seldom examines contributions from other perspectives. African American contributions to assorted fields are often espoused during Black History Month, yet their collective experience fails mentioning in such an important discipline as, leadership. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, African Americans comprise 13.2% of the population. Minorities will increase in the coming decades with the U.S. population becoming more ethnically and†¦show more content†¦Therefore, to reconcile this attitude, this paper attempts to establish evidence supporting the African American cultural lens assertion. Maltbia and Power (2009) implied that cultural lenses functioned like transition lenses in that they automatically performed when encountering certain triggers or under pressure. Ho wever, to begin this study, one must recognize that there is a lengthy history of discrimination and racism in America (Bonilla-Silva, 1997). The fabric of this country is indebted to the control, subjugation, and disenfranchisement of various peoples over the course of centuries. This inequality continues to affect, and systemically enforce racist and structural significance of â€Å"white† privilege. Although this advantage has produced wealth for this particular group, it has ultimately created problems, as well as indoctrinated, psychological issues for minorities. For instance, the United States was conceived from a democratic ideology, yet for centuries, those principles only applied to a select group of people (Rubin Boyer, 2013). However, this study does not intend to reeducate the audience on the cruelty or harshness of slavery or racism, but merely to develop the context for the main premise. This demonstrates that unfortunately, the impact of such a challenging past still affects the African American community in unforeseen ways. Fortunately, from this travesty, the means for invention, innovation, and discovery has flourished—so why

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Rebellion of The Americans free essay sample

This saying displays the colonists opinion of the harsh taxes issued by Britain. There were taxes put on everything from food to paper and legal documents. Unsurprisingly, it wasnt long before the colonists had enough. Tension was high between imperial officials and colonists and the colonists werent afraid to fight the ludicrous conditions. The actions carried out by the colonists included sending formal letters of protest to parliament, riots, tormenting of tax collectors and stamp distributors and ultimately the Boston Tea Party.However, some of these provisions ere met with even harsher punishments than the original taxes, causing a sort of cycle which eventually evolved Into the revolution. Another factor which lesser Influenced the rebellion was the restriction of the colonists civil liberties by . An example of this factor is the quartering act, forcing the colonists to open their home to soldiers who may not have been very cordial or thankful was an inconvenience to say the least. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rebellion of The Americans or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another example is the fact that the colonists were not able to trade with anyone but Britain who paid little for the products from America.This caused a shortage of money in the colonies and illegal trade with outside countries. A third example of the restriction of civil liberties was the closure of Boston Port. This was a punishment inflicted due to the Boston Tea Party. The port remained closed until the colonies could pay for the tea, a debt that remains unpaid to this day. The third factor, which influenced the rebellion the least, was the legacy of colonial religious and political Ideas. When It came to religion, colonists were the odd ones out of the mainland from the beginning after all, most colonists came to America to escape the religious persecution of Britain.Politically, the colonies began to evolve or lean towards the idea of self-control and democracy. This was a problem for Britain because it was a monarchy and wanted to run the colonies by directing appointed officials There were many factors leading to the American Revolution. These three are Just a small overview of them, however they are arguably the most important. We also must remember the revolution did not just happen overnight. It was a result of years of oppressions and tension caused by the British government. However, without these trials and tribulations we wouldnt have grown into the amazing country we are today.Even if It Is currently on vacation. The Rebellion of The Americans in 1776 By their mother country, Britain. Most of, if not all of these led to the rebellion of the others. These factors include the parliamentary taxation, Britains restriction of civil liberties and the legacy of colonial religious and political ideas. The factor which was Unsurprisingly, it wasnt long before the colonists had enough. Tension was high between imperial officials and colonists and the colonists werent afraid to fight the cycle which eventually evolved into the revolution.Another factor which lesser influenced the rebellion was the restriction of the colonists civil liberties by Britain. Of colonial religious and political ideas. When it came to religion, colonists were the odd ones out of the mainland from the beginning after all, most colonists came to important. We also must remember the revolution did not Just happen overnight. It However, without these trials and tribulations we wouldnt have grown into the amazing country we are today. Even if it is currently on vacation.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Invisible Man Essays (1037 words) - Puppetry, Dolls, Invisible Man

Invisible Man Life on the Strings Dolls. We are surrounded by dolls. G. I. Joe, Barbie, Polly Pocket, and WWF action figures. Prior to our plasticene friends we had paper dolls, marionettes, and delicately featured porcelain dolls. We are strangely fascinated by these cold, lifeless objects that look so much like ourselves. Children clutch them and create elaborate scenes, while adults are content to simply collect, allowing them to sit, motionless on a shelf, staring coolly back at their live counterparts. Which brings us to and interesting point, are people simply dolls for other people to play with or collect? One could make the arguement that we are all Tod Cliftons', doomed to dance by invisible strings while wearing a mask of individualism. However, unlike Tod Clifton, most of us will not realize that who pulls the string, is not ourselves. Ralph Ellison's novel, The Invisible Man is fraught with images of dolls as if to constantly reminded the reader that no one is in complete control of themselves. Our first example of doll imagery comes very early in the novel with the Battle Royal scene. The nude, blonde woman is described as having hair that was yellow like that of a circus kewpie doll (19). Ellison draws a very strong connection between the plight of the Negro man and the white woman. The fact that they are both shown as puppets or dolls in the work is no coincidence. The woman and the African are merely show pieces for the white men in the novel. Tod Clifton's dancing Sambo dolls are the most striking example of doll imagery. This small tissue paper doll has the capability to completely change the Invisible Man. When he sees that the powerful and enigmatic Clifton is the one hawking the abominable dolls, the narrator is so filled with humiliation and rage that he spits upon the dancing figure. But what is it that has caused this surging of fury? It is Tod Clifton and not the narrator who has degraded himself to such a base level. However, it is our narrator's sudden comprehension of his own situation that causes his wrath. The line For a second our eyes met and he gave me a contemptuous smile (433) illustrates this moment of realization for our narrator. It shows the reader that Tod Clifton was aware of his position as a puppet all along and chooses to enlighten the narrator at this particular point in the novel. The Invisible Man recognizes that all his life he's been a slave and a puppet to others. Whether those others were Bledsoe, his grandfather, or the brotherhood is irrelevant, but there has always been and imperceptible string attached to him governing everything he does. Not only a string but his own physical characteristics echo those of the grotesque Sambo dolls. It's cardboard hands were clenched into fists. The fingers outlined in orange paint, and I noticed that it had two faces, one on either side of the disks of cardboard, and both grinning. (446) Hands doubled into fists? This is the brotherhood message in a nutshell, Strong, ready to fight for what one supposedly believes in. Yet, at the same time these fists are controlled exclusively by the one holding the strings. And the black Sambo puppet blissfully unaware that he is merely a plaything. He smiles to the crowd and back to the puppeteer. It is the grin on the face of this doll that initially angers the Invisible Man. But why? Thinking back to the very start of the novel we have the Grandfather's dying words to our narrator, ...overcome 'em with yesses, undermine 'em with grins, agree 'em to death and destruction... (16). It would seem as though the Grandfather and Tod Clifton are in league with one another as they both have a firm grasp on what power men have over men. We get a powerful and disturbing image of this very idea when the Invisible Man is in the factory hospital after the explosion. It is a scene that seems to fade into the mishmash of confusion that accompanies this part of the novel, but it is nonetheless very important. As the narrator lies in his glass enclosed box with wires and electrodes attached